School Holidays Or Any Kind Of Long Break Can Make A Positive Change

I don’t know about you, but for me school holidays have just started. Taking a break away from an unfriendly environment and people, such as school and fellow students, it can really help you take the well needed break you deserve! Having this quality time to yourself can help you find what really makes you happy which can kickstart your journey onto a positive route. Getting away from all of that negative energy can instantly start making you feel better and more positive about yourself and your life. It is a tough battle and I can’t stress that enough! I understand that you may not see what I’m getting at, or it may seem way too hard to handle or that if you think I’m just another person saying that this is what you need to do as if it’s just that easy; I feel a fraction of your pain and suffering as I’ve been through similar things, I understand how difficult it is for you and I want you all to feel safe here.

PLEASE READ: even though you may not see it, the first step into getting better and becoming happier could be as simple as removing yourself from negative energy – yes it will be hard, just because it sounds simple doesn’t mean that it’s easy. Find something that has a positive influence you on and stick with it. It may seem extremely hard and don’t get me wrong, it will be hard, but not as hard as you think. It will be a struggle but does that mean it’s worth giving up everything? I sure as hell think it’s not and I hope that there’s still a fight left in you to think the same. You are beautiful. You are important. You are wanted. You deserve better. You deserve to be happy.
-S x

Chapter One: Some Things Affect Us At Young Ages

As soon as I started meeting new people it all started for me.. That’s right when I was 3 1/2 years old, the bullying, name calling, pushing, kicking everything.
I had only just started walking at the age of 3 and had already started to go to pre-school. I got bullied for the way my hair looked (I had a bob cut), got bullied cause I was still unstable on my feet and just everything in general. I became so lonely that I made friends with a girl who couldn’t even speak fluent English and her first language was Russian, about a few months into the relationship she moved back to Russia.
At the pre-school we had end of year little plays, we did Christmas, so what it was all about and I was to play mother Mary. I got hurt so much that day I was crying during the performance, the parents of the kids were talking about me saying “she only got the part cause her grandma is the teacher”… “She’s not even good looking and one of the ugliest children here” next thing you know I had to do another year of pre-school cause I couldn’t read properly… Got teased about that too.
The next year was pretty much the same thing every day. I would pretty much hug my mum’s leg every day crying to her saying “I don’t want to go, please”… but no I went. When it was over I was happy and thought it would all stop… little did I know it would haunt me.
I started my first year of school and first day had just started and I was already crying. I was getting bullied about the same things all over again except it was big kids calling me names and making me feel worse about myself making all the kids in my year hate me. Things like “you don’t belong here”… ” get of the playground.. No one wants you here” “you are a loser”. I hated it. At the age of 6 and I had already had more bad days than good days. Most of them. I remember I was in the sandpit and got told to get out cause I’m a waste of space and I ran out and around the sandpit was massive rocks and I ran got pushed and hit my top of my thigh really hard on the rock. I started bleeding heaps from my leg and other parts I was crying. I already wanted to die and I was only 6. I told people, I told the teachers but all they did was call up my parents and tell them or ask them “something’s wrong with her” “what’s wrong with her”. I cried after that too. But nothing was wrong with me. I was being bullied and they didn’t see it. I told my parents they were understanding of it but then my sister was born and everything changed. I was pushed to the side to never again speak of it to my parents and act like the strong healthiest person in the family. That’s what I have been doing.
3 years went by and still each day I got hurt and no friends the same things each day. Eventually I moved schools. On the last day I found out and I was so happy being a child thinking it would all go away again I thought that. I couldn’t wait till summer holidays finished to start at a new school and actually belong somewhere. But I didn’t.

MY ADVICE: No one should be able to make you feel like you were a mistake or you are worthless. You are here for a reason and all those people who are hurting you will all one day realise what they did and may even be jealous and want to apologise to you. But you will be so much better with out them. If someone is telling you that you don’t belong here or calling you names go tell someone that could actually do something, tell a parent, or a teacher that you trust or will understand you. If you have a friend tell your friend, a girl/boyfriend someone that can help you. Just know you aren’t what those people are telling you. You are more than that and they just want people to think less of themselves so they feel superior. You are so much better than them just know that.
~ K xx

Sadly, Everyone Struggles

In the hopes of reaching out to people and sharing our stories to try and give you advice and/or guidance, we’re going to stat sharing more true, personal stories about personal adventures and struggles that people we know have been through. Each of these people are writing their own stories and are giving us permission to post them here – they understand what it’s like to struggle with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, family issues, suicide, etc. and just like me, they want to reach out and help anyone going through the same or similar ordeals. Tomorrow we are introducing K’s ongoing adventure through life. No matter how big or how small your struggles are, they tear you down and affect you and we want to stop that. You’re smart, beautiful people that deserve the best! You’re strong warriors and it’s time for your battle to end – it’s time to take baby steps and put down the razor. It’s time to rip that suicide letter up and burn it. It’s time to create your own happiness and live your life in complete happiness and peace because you deserve it.
Stay strong warriors!
-S x

Chapter Six: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think!

Everything has been going good for me lately. I’m dropping out of school, starting an online course in photography for the rest of the year, I have a job, I have a boyfriend and friends who are genuine and are always there to support me… I thought nothing would go wrong but you see, life has this thing it likes to do – it likes to fuck shit up whenever you’re happy. In the last three days I have received over 20 prank calls from a number of different people, I have been asked several times to explain false rumours going around about me which just make me feel like shit whenever I hear the things that people are making up. I get thrown back to square one and have to start my baby steps all over again. This time I feel that I need to feel good about myself. I need to change my image like get a new haircut, dress differently, wear my make-up differently – you know, small things that I love about myself and hopefully it should make me feel good about myself. How I see it, if I change something about myself now that is in one way or another related to what is making me feel shitty, then I should feel empowered, strong, brave, courageous and happier! Usually changing my haircut or dressing differently fills me with a new outlook and that’s what I need. A new outlook on life. I am turning over a new leaf and making a complete change with my life. That is… until the next small hiccup comes my way, but there are always ways of dealing with hiccups. Drink lots of water, get someone to scare you or any other method. Life constantly throws hiccups at you because you are strong enough to withstand them. The way I see it is that each and every one of you has been put here for a reason and you are put through certain “adventures” or “journeys” for a reason – you would not be put through something that you cannot handle! Think about it, those girls and/or guys you see who have rich parents and are spoilt rotten and get everything and anything they want, they would never be able to to handle the things you’re going through because in all reality your struggles make you stronger even though it seems like all it’s doing is tearing you down. Find the strength to speak up and make a stand in your life – even though you’re strong enough to go through the hell life throws at you, doesn’t mean that you deserve it. Every second you improve and get better, life will be judging the best time to throw hiccups in your track, that’s just how it works,, but don’t let that get you down! As good ol’ Christopher Robin says to Pooh Bear: “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” (written by A. A. Milne).

PLEASE READ: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Stay strong! You are a warrior and you deserve happiness. Don’t take shit from anyone and do what makes you happy. Do whatever you need to do to create your own happiness!
-S x

Chapter Five: Ditch the Heartache and Create Your Own Happiness

I haven’t been at school for the past four or five weeks; I no longer feel safe and no longer see the point in completing VCE at all. I am fed up with the petty bullshit drama that revolves around school and I want out… so I ditched the heartache. I am in the process of leaving school for good, but I am not quitting my education completely. I’m enrolling in an online course that will take up the remainder of the year and then next year I’m straight into tafe doing something that I love and being somewhere where I am genuinely happy and feel safe. Not being at school has really given me some time to myself to really think about what was making me so depressed and pushing me to the point where I was literally thinking about ending it all. I kept myself locked away in my room and only ever left the house if I was on my own, and when I did leave the house, it was always to run away to my best guy friend’s house to escape the tragedy that had essentially become my life. I would always fake a smile around friends and after leaving school I slowly began to feel that fake smile becoming real. I was away from what was making me depressed and scared, and although I’m not completely better at the moment, I am on the fast track to recovery because I had the support of my two best friends by at all times. It was extremely hard for me to let them in and know even a small portion of what was going on inside my head, but opening up to them really helped. It took time, but it worked for me. I found myself leaving the house more often to go and see my best guy friend, he is really supportive and understands that sometimes I just need to get away from my life and just sleep or hang out at a place where I feel safe; with all the time we were spending together and the many years of our friendship and being close all the time and sharing practically everything together and his family being completely understanding with me being over there all the time… we started dating. It has been one rocky road for me especially regarding the whole “relationship” part of life and to others and even you, it may sound like that I’m just asking for more trouble in my life. Because of him my life has made a dramatic turn and spending time with him genuinely makes me happy and makes me feel safe. I guess life has a very, very weird and fucked up way of working.

PLEASE READ: for me, in order to get on track and get my life in order and start getting better, I had to eliminate what was making things so shitty for me. If you find yourself being genuinely unhappy, felling unsafe and/or feeling like you need to harm yourself in order to escape the pain, I just ask you to look around yourself and find what triggers you to feel like that. It’s all about taking baby steps and doing what you are comfortable with. Once you and key point what is making you feel like absolute shit and that you need to end it all, GET RID OF IT! Move schools, make better friends, change subjects, go to tafe, quit your job! Anything that is holding you down and suffocating you needs to go. It’s hard, I know, and it’s even harder if you’ve been through more shit than me or been dealing with shit longer than me or are even just really affected by it all, it’s hard and I know that, and I know it might not be as easy for you to create your own happiness as it was for me and I applaud you for hanging in there, being strong and being a warrior! You’re strong, brave and you’re here for a reason – don’t give up yet! I want you here.
-S x

Chapter Four: You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important.

The school holidays came around and I thought that by the time school started again everything would be fine, everyone would have forgotten about my mistake and just drop it, but sadly that wasn’t exactly the case. The drama that followed was just too much for me and that’s the point where I lost it, that was the point where I just crumbled and broke and lost myself. I didn’t know what to think, what to do, I didn’t even really have a clue who I was anymore. Cheating isn’t something I would ever do! I’ve been cheated on before and I know what it feels like and I would never ever want to put someone through that… but I did and I am forever apologetic for doing that to my ex because he didn’t deserve it. I was so hurt and disappointed in myself that I started to take my anger out on myself. I was so good at hiding my emotions and my actions that not even my best friend knows what I really went through. I started to cut again and I just completely lost myself that I even started of thinking of ways to kill myself. I blamed myself for being sexually assaulted. I blamed myself for cheating. I blamed myself for every single thing that went remotely wrong in my life. I kept myself busy and redirected my negative energy about my life onto my media assignment which is how I came up with the idea to create a short film about a young girl battling with suicide, that is one thing that really helped me get past my “suicidal stage” but it didn’t help me get past all the shit going on at school. My ex’s friend was continually saying shit about me which then lead to other people creating their own rumours about me; I was so sick of it and felt so unsafe going to school every day. What really pushed me over the edge was my ex’s friend saying that he was going to make my life hell until I left the school. I felt like I couldn’t go out because no matter what I did it would somehow be fuel to the fire. I couldn’t go out with friends without rumours going around saying that I was a lesbian and God knows what else they were saying. People were continuously telling me that I was “fake” and “untrustworthy” and other nonsense like that and I can understand how they were coming from because of ONE mistake that I made COMPLETELY OUT OF CHARACTER but they didn’t know the FULL, TRUE STORY! No one bothered to come and ask me what actually happened, instead they just thought what they wanted to and listened to all the bullshit rumours going around about me. I was really hurt because people that I thought I could call friends were not only believing the rumours going around about me, but were also adding their 2 cents to the rumours which just made things worse. I would leave school early and sometimes I wouldn’t even show up to school for days; I just felt so unsafe and attacked. School was always a place that I loved going to, I always felt safe and I honestly really enjoyed doing all the schoolwork, but I was no longer enjoying myself and no longer felt like school was a happy and safe place for me to be anymore, the rumours that were going around literally destroyed me and who I was. I am no longer who I am and that’s what really destroys me every day and night, the fact that someone had the power to destroy my entire being is what eats me up inside whenever I am alone with my thoughts.

PLEASE READ: no one should ever have the power to destroy your entire being or even a small fraction of who you are, you and only you have the ability to define who you are! I am still building myself back up and trying to rediscover who I am. Don’t let anyone make you feel so unsafe and scared that you can no longer go to school or to work or do something that you love. Speak up because no matter if you’re 12 years old or 32, no one has the right to bully you or destroy who you are. You do not have to put up with anyone who makes you unsafe, uncomfortable or uneasy about yourself or where you are. If you’re thinking about suicide and/or harming yourself, I ask that you look deep inside yourself and think of what truly makes you happy – doesn’t matter what it is! When you find what truly makes you happy then start doing it. Redirect that negative energy and turn it into something positive. By directing my negative energy into the short film about suicide, I started getting really busy and focused on creating something, I’ve always been happy mucking around with technology and creating things and it really helped me out. You is kind. You is smart. You is important. (The Help).
-S x

Chapter Three: Every Choice Comes with Consequences

So after I cam clean about my mistake, I decided not to tell anyone the reason why I broke things off and I thought that my now ex-boyfriend would do the same, not for but for himself; sadly, that wasn’t case. I understand why he felt the need to tell his dad, his best friend and his closest mate, he needed to vent to someone and get advice from friends and all that, and I completely understand that and I was glad that he did so he didn’t keep it all bottled up inside; but it was his closest friend that decided to take things into his own hands and let the cat out of the bag. I was never angry at any of them, only disappointed. They all knew what had happened to me in the past and I would have at least thought that they would be considerate and not spread it around the school; I knew they were going to talk about it, I just never knew that they would create what became my life in hell. I started getting threatening messages from the closest mate, he was saying awful things about me that weren’t true. He knew damn well what actually happened at my old school yet he was the one that went around my new school saying that I actually consented to having sex with the guy on school property. He is also the one who started the rumour that I was selling myself as a prostitute and that I had slept with half the guys at school; when this rumour spread I started getting phone calls at 3 o’clock in the morning, can you guess who was calling me? That’s right, my ex-boyfriend’s closest mate! At this point in time, my parents were going through a very sticky situation. My dad had been kicked out of the house and my mum threatening to divorce him. This didn’t exactly affect too badly because, and I know this sounds bad, I don’t actually like my dad that much – he’s controlling, picks on my every flaw, says I’m lazy and no good when all I do everyday is homework, work and clean up around the house, he always finds something to criticise about me and it just made me dislike him… a lot. Anyway, I was feeling overly stressed because my mum and sister’s were taking this messy situation between my parents pretty hard, but when I started receiving phone calls at 3am asking why I cheated on my ex, if I’m straight or lesbian, if I charge money for sex and if so, how much, when I was available next to go and sell my body to a guy – meaning to have sex in exchange for money – and I knew damn well who it was. This went on for about a week. I started to develop an eating disorder because of stress. My stress levels were too high which then made it extremely difficult for me to swallow food and when I did manage to swallow something, it was the most painful thing in the world and I just wanted to throw up because it was that painful; and I did a couple of times. I eventually got medication and that helped a lot! When I could eat again, I just ate all the pizza I could and ended up gaining weight – which for me wasn’t an issue because I’ve always been quite thin naturally, so thin that people thought I was anorexic which is untrue because if you actually know me, I eat so much and usually leave people wondering how I’m so skinny when I don’t exercise at all. But people noticed my weight gain and one of those people were my ex’s closest mate. I ran out of my medication and my stress/eating disorder should have been fixed, but it wasn’t. My parents took me to hospital to find out with there was a serious underlying condition that our general doctor missed and I had to stay overnight. Later that night I received yet another phone call at 3am and this time it was somewhat different. I could easily tell it was my ex’s closest mate, he’s part British and he isn’t very good at hiding his accent. He started to ask me the usual questions, how much do you charge for sex? I’m looking for a fun time. I hear you fuck guys wherever they want like on pool tables, the kitchen bench, in cars. I told him to knock it off because I wasn’t in the mood and that I was tired and so sick that I was in hospital, that could have been the worst thing I could have said. I thought that by telling him that I was in hospital would make him realise that he needs to stop, he and I were good friends and I thought that he would apologise and hang up, or at least just hang up and leave me alone, but nope, I had unknowingly given him another outlet to start rumours. His response to me telling him I was in hospital was, “Oh, you’re in hospital? Is that because you’re getting an abortion? We all know you’ve gained weight and it doesn’t surprise me you’re pregnant. Getting an abortion so you can still whore around?”. After that I hung up and threw my phone across the room. The school holidays were just about to start, thank God!

PLEASE READ: just because you’ve made a bad choice or a mistake, doesn’t mean that you are entitled to the consequences that follow. I sure as hell did not deserve what has so far been dished out to me for one mistake and what’s even is worse is that it was all dished out to me by someone that I was quite proud to once call my good friend. If you find yourself being unfairly treated for a mistake that you’ve done, then take a stand and say your peace. You need to keep in mind that no matter, people are always going to be talking about you, a lesson that we all have to learn, I just hope you learn yours in a nicer way compared to mine. If you are struggling against an eating disorder of ANY kind, please seek help even if it’s just telling a friend, family member, teacher or even me, it’s still making someone aware or what’s going on and hopefully they can help you in the right way. Also, if you know someone who is struggling with an eating disorder, don’t force them to eat or eat less. They’re not eating/overeating for a reason. Forcing them to do so can just push them further away, talk to them, find out why/how they developed their eating disorder and then talk to them about finding a way to help them get back on track. It’s all about listening and taking baby steps to get yourself back on the road to recovery and then to a happier life.
-S x

Chapter Two: We all Make Mistakes – We’re Only Human!

After being able to get into a new school on such short notice, my life began to turn around for the better. I made new friends, had good grades although my ability to become friends with guys was shattered. Growing up, I had always been one of those girls that was friends with guys, sure I always had a close girl friend or two, but guys just seemed to be better friends at certain times. My first few months at my new school my mind was constantly getting confused about guys – sounds as though I’m talking about dating-wise but no, I was confused about guys because I didn’t know who to trust, how to trust, how to tell the good guys from the bad guys. I ended up getting into two relationships since I started at the new school. The first boyfriend – he was kind, a Christian, sweet, compassionate, I thought there was nothing wrong until I realised that my ex was also kind, sweet, compassionate and also a Christian. I was terrified of this new guy and didn’t want to be assaulted again, so I broke things off, we’re still friends to this day but it is awkward because my initial first feeling towards him of being scared still lingers. Months went by and I started to drink; it started as my best friend and I going to a party and doing shots. That night I was tipsy and because it was the first time I had ever had alcohol in my system I wasn’t used to the effects it causes to the human body. When I got home to my friend’s house, I ended up splitting my head open on his bedside table and having my best friend clean the blood up with one of those make-up removal wipes – I didn’t need stitches, thank God, but I still have a slightly noticeable dent in my head. One week later after that party, I got into the second relationship – this guy sensitive, compassionate, loving, caring, supportive. Yes, I was scared that he was going to turn out like my first, but I thought I owed myself to try and get over this “fear” of guys and give the new guy a shot. We were happy together for a couple of months but it started going downhill. It all started when he told my best friend that he wasn’t going to talk to me for one week every month – care to take a guess why? Periods. How insensitive is that? From that point on, I started to feel insecure and scared of him. A week later we went to a mate’s 19th, we were both drinking. I had about three “cruiser-like” drinks and him… well he ended up passing out in the toilet and not once did he talk to me that night, he completely ignored me the entire night. My best friend was also there but she had sectioned herself off to spend some “alone time” with her boyfriend. When I heard that people were going to bring drugs to the party, I high-tailed it out of there! I was uncomfortable and scared so I rang my best guy friend. He and two of his friends came and picked me up and took me to his to stay the night. I got along great with his two friends and was even really flirty with one of them. At this point I felt nothing to my boyfriend at that time that for one night I completely forgot that I was even dating him. That night was the night that I lost my virginity to one of my best guy friend’s mates. I felt horrible, I left my friend’s house at 3am and walked the streets until my mum picked me up at 8 o’clock. I didn’t see my boyfriend until three days later and I came clean immediately. At first, I wasn’t going to tell him and I was just going to end things with him because I had done something horrible, but a guy I know told me that he deserves to know the truth, so I told my boyfriend what happened and broke things off. He promised not to tell anyone because I didn’t want it to get out – I’m not a cheater, I don’t use guys. I made a mistake and I take full responsibility for it! Yes, I had been drinking, yes my relationship was going downhill, and yes my mind was completely fucked up due to the on-going trauma caused by my first relationship, even though all those things play a part in my decision, it was still my decision to cheat. I regret hurting my boyfriend but in all honesty, I don’t regret losing my virginity; I mean, yes I regret cheating, but I don’t regret having sex for the first time. It opened up my eyes and made me grow up, I feel more mature after that night and I think that’s really helped me out.

PLEASE READ: drinking alcohol and doing drugs can harm your body! It is your choice, but please think about the consequences! When drinking and/or doing drugs, take extra time to think things through when it comes to making big decisions like losing your virginity – you don’t want to wake up the next morning and regret it! Cheating is wrong but we all make mistakes! I believe that if you come clean about it as soon as possible, you will feel better and not guilty anymore. You may find that cheating was the best thing you could have done for yourself, but your partner deserves to know! Do not let a mistake like cheating affect who you are or your reputation. Cheating is merely an act, not a definition of who you are! I do not approve of cheating but I do understand that sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes our minds are not in the right place and shit happens, but if you deal with it maturely and take responsibility for your mistake/s, in the end you’ll feel better. Everyone makes mistakes and their mistakes do not define who they are so do not judge them based solely on the mistakes they’ve made – learn to focus not only on the bad, but also on the good!
-S x

Chapter One: Every Story has a Beginning…

Little did I know, my life started to go downhill when I was 14 years old but to me, it seemed that things couldn’t be more perfect. My boyfriend at the time and I were very happy – I know it sounds silly for a 14-year-old to be saying this, but at the time my boyfriend, who was then 16, and I were in love, or so I thought; little did I know that my mind was being warped and manipulated by a selfish 16-year-old guy. Being a Christian, I stood firmly against sexual relations, not because of my religion, but because I genuinely thought that saving my virginity was the right thing to do for myself, my boyfriend who was also a Christian, told me that he felt the same way – which I soon found out was a ploy to manipulate my innocence. We had been happily together for over six months, I had turned 15 and then that’s when he made his move – it started by asking questions about when I would be ready for sexual intimacy, telling me that his mates were encouraging him to have sex and then he started using his grief over the loss of great-grandmother and grandmother, may their souls rest in peace, to get me alone in a private area. Then one month after my 15th birthday, after months upon months of mental and emotional manipulation, I was sexually assaulted by him…
A staff member saw the incident and was able to stop things from getting even worse. I was given an in-school suspension, lost my responsibility role in the school as a captain and dealt with bullying all year long. I was called a “slut” and a “whore” my members of the staff at school, I was blamed for the incident. I was discriminated against and punished unfairly, my now ew-boyfriend on the other hand… he also received an in-school suspension but other than that, he got of scott-free. My world came crashing down, I was an emotional wreck, I even started to cut my wrist at one point. No one seemed to see or understand what I was going through, part of which was my fault because I’m good at hiding my true emotions. He was given “counselling sessions” with the male school chaplain whereas I on the other hand got no such treatment, I was forced to seek help from the female school chaplain but she hardly ever made time to see me, and when she did she bluntly said to my face that “I am a whore and it’s my own fault and that she is not qualified to help me”. Three months later, my ex-boyfriend assaulted one of my closest friends at the school, it wasn’t until this second assault that the school decided to take action and expel him. To help you understand a few things, you must first know a couple of things: my ex-boyfriend’s parent is a staff member at the school, he attends the same church as the principle of the school and many other staff members of the school, and also that the school has two campuses in two different locations. Things were now starting to look up for me, I mean yeah people were still saying awful things about me and spreading false rumours, but I brushed it off and focused on myself and had my best friend by my side to help me get through so many things. It was getting close to the end of year 10 and it was time to choose my VCE subjects, however they didn’t work at the campus I was attending. It had been half a year since my ex-boyfriend had been expelled and I saw no reason why I shouldn’t apply for a transfer to the campus of the school – my subjects worked over there, there was a bus to school five minutes from my house, I had plenty of friends over at the other campus, it just seemed right and it worked, I was told that my transfer application had been accepted and I was all set to start orientation there and get settled in until I received a phone call from the principle. My world came shattering down into a million pieces all over again; I was told that I was no longer allowed to set foot on the second campus because my ex had been accepted there to complete his final year of VCE and I was told that I needed to move schools. So to sum it all up, I was punished severely for the actions of a man who took advantage of a young girl while we practically got off scott-free.

PLEASE READ: If you or anyone else you know has been sexually assaulted, please contact the authorities! I decided against it and then one of my closest friends ended up being sexually assaulted by the same guy, I had the power to stop it, I could have prevented my friend from going through that horrible ordeal but I stayed quiet. After his second assault I contacted the police and to this day the investigation is still on-going. If you have been or know of anyone that has been sexually assaulted, please contact the authorities because not only will you be saving other women, you will also be saving yourself from feeling guilty and responsible if another woman is assaulted by the same guy and you stayed quiet. Speaking up takes courage and you are not alone! Please speak up!
-S x

Not a bad life, just a bad day

The purpose of this blog is to share stories, find support, ask for advice. The reason why I started this blog is to share with everyone my story – my struggles with depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidal thoughts and eating disorders. I’ve been through a great ordeal and I’m still struggling, but I want to share with you my story and all my struggles and everything I’ve been through to show you that even though today may seem crappy, tomorrow will be a brighter day. By sharing my story, I hope to help you through your struggles and inspire you to make a change. The battles are tough, I know, but we’re all fighting the battle, just different devils. We’re all thinking the same things, just to different extents. We’re all feeling the same things, just different intensities. We’re all in this together, even though you may not see it. I want to provide support for anyone struggling through anything going on in their life at the moment. I am making a stand because depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, eating disorders and what not are serious issues that need to be faced head on right now, not after someone has taken their life because they feel it’s the only way. I understand how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking. Opening up to strangers can help, even listening to someone else’s battle story can help; so with that said, as I share my story with you through this blog, I hope to help you in one way or another. I am also here to listen to your stories too, to help you, give advice and support, help you through an ordeal because in the end, we’re in this battle together and you’re not alone. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life and you can win against your devil that you’re constantly fighting, I stand here as an example of that and I want to help you achieve the same thing.
-S x